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Vay & Nørd JS

@vayjs/vay-nord represents the tailor-made bridge between Vay and the Nørd framework, uniting Vay.js's advanced internationalization features with @grainular/nord's reactive programming model. This guide aims to be a comprehensive resource for integrating robust, type-safe internationalization solutions into your Nørd projects, effortlessly expanding your application's global accessibility.


Find out more about the package on npm.


  • Reactive Grains for i18n: Leverage Nørd's grains to manage translations and language states reactively within your components.
  • Reactive Language Switching: Fluidly change your application's language setting using Nørd's reactivity, with automatic updates across the UI for any language switch.
  • TypeScript Support: Utilize TypeScript to ensure type safety for your translation keys, enhancing the development experience with reliable autocompletion in IDEs.


tart by adding both @vayjs/vay and @vayjs/vay-nord to your Nørd project:

# Install via yarn add
$ yarn add @vayjs/vay @vayjs/vay-nord
# Install via npm install
$ npm install @vayjs/vay @vayjs/vay-nord
# Install via pnpm add
$ pnpm add @vayjs/vay @vayjs/vay-nord
# Install using bun add
$ bun add @vayjs/vay @vayjs/vay-nord

These packages provide the necessary tools for embedding translation and language context management capabilities within your Nørd applications.


Prior to incorporating @vayjs/vay-nord into your Nørd application, configure a VayProvider instance from @vayjs/vay:

import { defineConfig, defineDictionary, createProvider } from '@vayjs/vay';

// Initialize the Vay.js provider with configuration and dictionaries
export const i18nProvider = createProvider(
    defineConfig(), // Default configuration
    defineDictionary('en', { greeting: 'Hello, World!' }), // English dictionary
    // ...more dictionaries

Integrating with Nørd

Use the localized function from @vayjs/vay-nord to seamlessly integrate Vay's provider into your Nørd app:

import { i18nProvider } from './i18nProvider';
import { localized } from '@vayjs/vay-nord';

// Enable reactive internationalization in your Nørd JS application
export const { language, setLanguage, translate } = localized(i18nProvider);

Reactive Language and Translations

Employ the reactive language grain and translate function in your Nørd components for dynamic translation management:

import { createComponent, on } from '@grainular/nord';
import { translate as t, setLanguage } from 'i18nProvider';

const App = createComponent((html) => {
    return html`<div>${t('greeting', { name: 'World' })}</div>
        <button ${on('click', () => setLanguage('en'))}>En</button>
        <button ${on('click', () => setLanguage('es'))}>Es</button>`;


The translate function provided mirrors Vay's own, supporting advanced features like interpolation, pluralization, and contextual translations. Discover more about how to interpolate, pluralize and contextualize in the Vay documentation.

Released under the MIT License.